Will ShetterlyThree Groups that Lie about Martin Luther King: Conservatives, Liberals, and Fans of ReparationsWho lies most about Martin Luther King? There are three competing groups.Jan 16, 20234Jan 16, 20234
Will ShetterlyWhy Hayek Opposed Socialism and Supported Basic IncomeF. A. Hayek is loved by conservatives for his opposition to socialism, yet he supported universal basic income. In Law, Legislation and…Nov 5, 20221Nov 5, 20221
Will ShetterlyWhy Basic Income Would Not Cause Inflation (and Might Slow Inflation)Poverty is expensive because the poor can’t shop competitively. They pay high prices in the neighborhoods they can afford because the big…Jan 31, 20226Jan 31, 20226
Will ShetterlyHow to End Racism—Martin Luther King was Right that Basic Income is EssentialWhen Race and Economic Opportunity in the United States came out in 2018, many writers wrote about how racially unequal the US still is and…Dec 24, 20216Dec 24, 20216
Will ShetterlyWhy you should support Universal Basic Income (and most people do)“The solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.” — Martin Luther KingOct 11, 20219Oct 11, 20219
Will ShetterlyThe Problem with Reparations, and King’s Better SolutionAnyone who knows US history knows black people were treated abominably. Today, as a group, they are almost as poor as Native Americans…Sep 29, 20217Sep 29, 20217
Will ShetterlyKing did not support Reparations—His “check” referred to Basic IncomeIn 2014, Coates took a King quote out of context to insist that King supported reparations. The idea should be laughable—it would mean King…Sep 28, 20218Sep 28, 20218