The (Un?)Surprising Classism of Key and Peele

Kevin Edwards from Palo Alto, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Two quick admissions:

  1. I think Key and Peele are hilarious, despite their classist moments.
  2. I wrote classism instead of snobbery in the title because classism is trendy, but really, classism is just old-fashioned snobbery.

I noticed long ago that liberal identitarians tend to be snobs, which especially comes out when they talk about poor white people. (See Privilege theorists mock poor white people for failing their “white privilege”.) I’m not sure when I first noticed hints of snobbery in Key and Peele, but the other day, Youtube suggested I re-watch the two videos above, so I did, and I laughed as much as I had when I first saw them, but I noticed two things:

In “Is This Country Song Racist?” the first song isn’t. The singer’s right when he says there are all kinds…



Comrade Morlock, aka Will Shetterly

If you’re losing an argument with me and are too proud to admit defeat, please feel free to insult me instead.