Which links do you think are irrelevant? All of them are reputable sources, so far as I know.
I did write a little more about poverty, class, and police killings today, inspired by the people who disagreed with this. You may prefer the links here: https://medium.com/a-universalist-in-an-identitarian-age/middle-class-poc-have-more-white-privilege-than-poor-whites-or-blm-logic-on-police-killings-16af111d7665
Poor white people tend to vote for Democrats. As Paul Krugman noted, “In fact, if you look at voting behavior, low-income whites in the South are not very different from low-income whites in the rest of the country.” See https://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/09/24/bubba-isnt-who-you-think/