A Guide to My Posts about Israel and Palestine

Facts that some Zionists don’t know and others work hard to hide

Comrade Morlock
2 min readMar 18, 2024
איתמראשפר, CC BY-SA 4.0


  1. Why Do Palestinians Deserve What Zionists Did?
  2. Israel, the Most Dangerous Country for Jews, Makes All Jews Less Safe
  3. Israeli Exceptionalism: What standard should Israel meet?
  4. You Must Denounce Hamas — and Nat Turner, Quanah Parker, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Spartacus…. When conquerors break people, some break in horrifying ways
  5. Hasbara and the Hannibal Directive: Problems with Israel’s Explanation of the Hamas Attack on October 7
  6. Israel Accidentally Praised Hamas: Killing Only Two Civilians Per Militant on October 7 is a “Tremendously Positive” Ratio


  1. Dueling Zionisms: The Best Lost, the Worst Won; or, Jabotinsky beat Einstein
  2. Israel, the Cosplay Nation: How Europeans Rewrote History, Invented Traditions, and Revived a Classical Language to Claim a Middle Eastern Land
  3. Israel: New Names for Old: Hiding the History of European People, Muslim Places, and Palestine Itself
  4. Palestinian Identity is Older Than Israeli Identity



Comrade Morlock

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